There are days when you don’t understand why you are in such pain, even though you have already had back surgery, on medication, or have undergone an extensive series of physical therapy. There are three common types of treatment for chronic spinal pain for short-term AND long-term relief from pain. These include acupuncture, anti-inflammatory drugs, and chiropractic treatment.
Following three different studies in which patients were divided into three different groups, only patients who received chiropractic manipulation reached a level of statistically significant progress, supporting that chiropractic treatment offered the best short-term and long-term benefits for those with chronic back neck pain.
Your experience with chiropractic care will vary, of course, based on your unique case history, health status, age, and inherited family strengths and weaknesses. However, there are some benefits of regular chiropractic care that many people can experience regardless of any existing conditions they may have:
• Increases your overall health, asthma, blood pressure,
• Reduces pain in your back, neck, and limbs, and headaches
• Improves mental clarity
• Reduces arthritis and joint pain
• Promotes a healthy pregnancy
• Restores mobility and range of motion
• Increases how your body functions, such as bowels regularity
• Relieves tension produced by stress
• Can prevent invasive surgery and pain medications
• Reduces pain in your back, neck, and limbs, and headaches
• Improves mental clarity
• Reduces arthritis and joint pain
• Promotes a healthy pregnancy
• Restores mobility and range of motion
• Increases how your body functions, such as bowels regularity
• Relieves tension produced by stress
• Can prevent invasive surgery and pain medications
It is important to continue chiropractic treatment for periodic spinal checkups, at least on a monthly basis. Although subluxations may occasionally occur just from the daily stress of life, they are more simply released. Your vertebrae will move more simply, your muscles are balanced and your discs, tendons, and ligaments will be stronger than before.
Contact McKim Chiropractic to find out more information about chiropractic treatment and to schedule a consultation. Our licensed and certified staff is happy to help the residents of Nampa, ID find relief from their pain.