Thursday, April 18, 2019

Wondering How Often Should You Go to the Chiropractor?

The reasons people seek chiropractic treatment are many.  Some use a chiropractor's skills for spinal manipulation of vertebrae for preventive care. Others want help to manage staid pain conditions, such as scoliosis.  The goal of a chiropractor is to help you return to your optimum state of health, in other words, achieve health wholeness.  

This may involve a regular preventive maintenance program that might range from a visit each week--with an adjustment done only if you want it--to a visit once every month.  The number of treatments required depends on the nature of the condition, how long it has been present, and the desired result of the treatment.

Before performing any type of treatment, a chiropractor will want to know your full and detailed medical history.  They will commonly perform tests, such as X-rays or MRI scans as wanted.  They will discuss the results with you and then recommend a course of treatment prescribed specifically for you.  The number of prescribed treatments will depend on the nature of your condition, how long it has been present, and the ultimate goal for your body.

Treatments may entail as many as two or three spinal adjustments a week, gradually decreasing the number of weekly visits. As stated previously, this length of time will depend on your condition, how severe your body's damage is, and your level of pain, combined with how well you respond to chiropractic care.  The goal will be to reach a maintenance level of treatment, usually a spinal adjustment once a month.  This will keep you free of subluxations so that your spine and discs can move freely without nerve interference.

Wondering how often should you go to the chiropractor?  Call McKim Chiropractic today to schedule a consultation and examination. The licensed and certified staff at McKim Chiropractic is committed to helping the residents of  Nampa, ID achieve health wholeness. 

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